Assertiveness means taking into account the interests of yourself and the interest of others. By working towards an agreement between these interests in a respectful, honest and direct manner, you ensure open communication and you prevent irritation. A lack of assertiveness can lead to stress, because boundaries are not set, or conflicts remain unspoken.
Assertiveness is a word witch Dutch people are often described with. I think you can say that a large part of the Dutch people are assertive. In my time here I have discovered that this is really true. If a question is asked here by the teacher during the lessons, none of the Finnish students will answer. The Dutch students on the other hand call their answer through the class without waiting for their turn. As a nursing student, this is also how we are trained. If we disagree with something, we are expected to respond on this and express our opinion. This is a crucial part in patient care.
In the Netherlands, if you’re not assertive enough, you will receive fewer points for an internship, for example, or you will even fail the internship.
What do you think, is the Finnish way or the Dutch way better?